Would You Like To Work In Paradise?

The Turks and Caicos Islands are known as one of the world’s longest coral reefs and more than 230 miles of white-sand beaches in the Caribbean region. If you imagine what it would be like to wake up every morning with sunshine and crystal clear turquoise water, you could be curious to live in this paradise. The islands are also now a destination for Brookfield Aviation’s contract pilots and training. Here are just some of the advantages:
Gorgeous Weather

Turks and Caicos have a dry and sunny tropical climate with temperatures average 27°C to 32°C in the warm season (June to September), and 22°C to 27°C in the “cold” season (December to March). The Islands have normally 350 sunny days per year.
Financial Centre
Meanwhile, employees from all walk of life are concerned about the high rates of personal income tax, especially in USA and Europe to name a few. Many people are surprised to learn that Turks and Caicos Islands offer to access to just a few direct taxes. Those who are employed just pay a tiny percentage of their salary for mandatory social insurance, mandatory health insurance, and no income tax required from the government.

Turks and Caicos Islands Government with the encouragement and assistance of the British Government set out to create “the best offshore finance centre in the world”. Subsequently, the essential infrastructure has implemented in order to support this goal including laws confidentiality, banking, insurance, trusts, companies and limited partnerships. Having a career in Turks and Caicos could enable you to approach a world of financial opportunities with a diversity of international investment opportunities and services in major markets.

Thanks to the third largest coral system in the world, Turks and Caicos has stunning beaches with the magnificent turquoise water and soft white sand. It is a dream of visitors worldwide to bee here for their holiday and discover breath-taking views of the natural beauty. There are many attractions including scuba diving, rum, live music performances, good parties, luxury resorts and sexy ladies, which create a fancy night life as “never sleep” in the Islands. During the summer they have music & cultural festivals that draw big name artists, and other activities year round.Instead of spending a great amount of money for flight tickets and expenses for your holiday, you are now able to work and live in the amazing atmosphere.
Accessible Air Network
There are 3 airports Grand Turk (GDT), Providenciales (PLS) and South Caicos (XSC) with a plenty of airlines operating their routes in Turks and Caicos such as American Airlines, British Airways, US Airways, Delta Airlines, JetBlue, and InterCaribbean Airways. These make the region to become an attractive market for the aviation industry with the accessible air network from all over the world.

Pilot and Training Opportunities with Brookfield
It is a great pleasure to be able to provide opportunities for pilots in these beautiful islands. We have open positions for Embraer 120 Captains and Line Training Courses on Embraer 120 and De Havilland DHC-6 with a diversity of career opportunities for Cadets worldwide.