Beyond Aero Reveals New Designs for Hydrogen Powered Business Jets

A French aerospace start-up called Beyond Aero has revealed the changes it has made to its earlier design of its proposed hydrogen powered business jets. The latest update from the company on 17th March detailed the architecture of the powertrain, which will feature fuel cells and a pair of ducted fan electric motors. It is interesting to note that the 700-bar fuel tanks have now been positioned in the wing box and the tip of the wings.
The latest update also mentions how the capacity of the fuel cell stack has now been increased to 2.4 megawatts. The changed positions of the gaseous hydrogen fuel tanks will improve the crash worthiness of the aircraft. The aircraft is being designed with the seating capacity for maximum eight people. This proposed business jet is expected to enter service by 2030. One of the main aims of the redesign is to find a solution that eliminates high-pressure fuel lines inside the pressurised cabin.

The fuselage, featuring a T-Shaped tail section, has FADEC-controlled electric motors mounted on its rear. The newly changed position of the fuel tanks to the wing tip lends the aircraft a look similar to that of the classic early Learjet design.
The company also aims to bring down costs by ensuring fewer parts are involved in the whole system. According to the company, the powertrain will have 90% fewer moving parts than current turbofans, which will reduce the maintenance costs of the aircraft and eventually bring down overall operational costs by up to 55%.
With an expected maximum takeoff weight below 8.6 Tonnes (about 19,000 pounds), the aircraft can be certified under CS-23 rules, as opposed to the more complex CS-25 rules for larger commercial aircraft.
While some years remain for the aircraft to enter service, the company already has signed letters of intent for 108 aircraft with a combined value of $914 million from a mix of charter operators, corporate flight departments, and private individuals.