How to Choose an International Healthcare Plan
While we may still face some disruption to our lives, the continuing development and rollout of COVID-19 vaccines means we should all be able to do more of what we love. Vacations, permanent relocations, and overseas business trips for those who have tired of lockdown are gradually becoming a possibility again.
Before you travel you should ensure you have the appropriate insurance in place in case the worst happens. This includes checking whether your travel insurance is valid and with adequate health cover in case you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19 while abroad. An international health insurance plan could help provide reassurance that you will have access to good quality medical care in case you do fall ill and can also offer medical repatriation back home should you need. Remember that many health insurance plans might exclude cover for pandemics so you should double check this. Brookfield Healthcare Plan through Now Health International does cover pandemics, so if you do not yet have cover, you can get a quote here.
Whatever your reasons for moving abroad, an international healthcare plan:
Will help you access treatment and care quicker.
Enables you to access English-speaking medical professionals in private healthcare facilities.
Reduces your medical costs.
Means you do not need to rely on universal healthcare if your new country has such a system.
Although there is much to consider when looking for a private health plan, choosing one does not have to be tough.
First of all, it is important your health plan covers your whole family if you’re moving overseas with your partner and children.
Secondly, the most compelling aspect of choosing an international healthcare plan is deciding the level of cover you need. This will give you peace of mind that you can get treatment when you need to, and the level of cover will also determine the cost of your premiums. Brookfield Healthcare Plan will help you cover your family members and have access to a wide range of products and cover levels to meet your needs. Additionally, we offer access to discounted rates, leveraging our existing programme and pooling together a large group of members and businesses to keep costs down for the industry.
Finally, make sure your health plan includes outpatient care and in-patient and day-patient care. Understanding the differences between inpatient and outpatient healthcare will help you get the right private health plan. In-patient and day-patient care are covered by our plan, meaning if you need to be admitted to hospital, your treatment costs will be covered. The nature of this cover means you are not covered for consultations and appointments leading to diagnosis, or for any treatment you receive as an outpatient. Adding outpatient care to your plan means you can cover your costs for outpatient treatment as well as for in-patient and day-patient care. Such cover will be useful if you are ever diagnosed with a condition that requires ongoing management without being admitted to hospital.
Whether your reason for relocating is to pursue a career, to be closer to family or a loved one, or solely for some adventure in the sun, be sure to have in place the best international healthcare plan before you make the move to ensure a seamless experience. In Brookfield we will be delighted to help you arrange it.