The New Aviation Recruitment Landscape
Join our Free Webinar and learn the tools needed to overcome these unprecedented challenges.

The current crisis has brought significant change and challenge to everyone who is involved in the aviation industry. Now more than ever all aviation stakeholders need an open mind around the importance of being ready to proactively respond to the industry’s recovery. This moment in our history has elevated the importance of being accountable for ourselves and the actions we take within our careers in times of uncertainty and significant change.
“Cometh the hour, cometh the man” – in times of crisis and heading into a period of accelerated change within our industry now more than ever it is incumbent upon today’s generation of aviation professionals to address this crisis boldly. This may require taking swift and aggressive action, embracing new ways of working and thinking, identifying skills and strengths and communicating effectively, thoughtfully and transparently with all stakeholders to build strong networks.
We need to act now, addressing these challenges can be tough but standing back and doing nothing will not ameliorate the risks and the impact on our lives and we will fail to prepare ourselves to thrive in the future landscape of the airline industry. But how can we prepare to thrive in times of such unprecedented change?
Helping aviation personnel rise to the challenges of a crisis is nothing new to Brookfield Aviation International, as since 1993 we have supported with our aviation solutions numerous clients, partners and pilots to overcome past economic recessions such as in the early 1990’s, the period after 9/11, the financial crash of 2008 and other past debilitating events.
The downturn created by COVID-19 is not an exception for us. We are committed to supporting aviation professionals by bringing you world-class solutions that will positively influence how we respond to the depths of this crisis, streamlining the industry’s recovery and helping the aviation family to emerge stronger than ever.
Our intention is to arm you with the knowledge, tools & processes that enable you to:
Adjust with purpose in times of uncertainty
Strengthen your soft as well as your technical skills
Put yourself first and recover your self-confidence
Repurpose your career vs opportunities available
Adjust emotionally & rationally to change and challenge
Adapt to airlines’ changes in recruitment and recalibrate your strategies
Strategic Partnership

We have partnered with Helping Reach Potential (HRP); the leading strengths-based people development practice in the UK that specialises in professional coaching, training and team development. HRP has a solid track record enabling high performance during tough times - energising leaders and professionals to reach their potential and maximise results by empowering them to ADJUST, ADVANCE and ACHIEVE during times of uncertainty.
Pre-register here for our FREE WEBINAR in December 2020 and access to valuable information from aviation recruiters and coaching experts on how to increase your career prospects for the recovery of the industry and learn the new recruitment methodologies by airlines.
Our Aviation Solution
Together, we are bringing a portfolio of key solutions to help overcome the existing challenges and bringing you the first specialised program for the aviation industry, which will be launched in December 2020.
1. Adjust with Purpose is a programme designed exclusively for pilots and aviation professionals to deepen your understanding of who you are, your unique qualities, strengths, skills and values, to empower you to respond effectively to the competitive and challenging environment the aviation industry now operates in.
The programme contains a series of strength-based practical exercises that are backed up by science and validated by our two companies’ many years of practical experience in Aviation and Coaching.

1. Coach-Lead is a unique and flexible coaching approach, that combines autonomous digital platform-based learning content with 1-2-1 expert coaching, that puts pilots and aviation professionals in control of the progression and how much support is needed.
2. Self-Lead: is for autonomous learning. All the content pilots and aviation personnel would experience through our 1-2-1 coach-lead programmes but instead, your transformational journey is on a digital, self-paced, self-managed basis.
What to expect?
✓ Define your professional identity, strengths & values – who you are now and who you need to be in the future within the aviation industry
✓ Get a ready-to-go, structured personal action-plan ensuring you can go from theory to practice
✓ Experience a globally renowned strengths based psychometric profiler – a registered test with the British Psychology Society to help you identify your core strengths, skills and values as an aviation professional
✓ Identify and develop your strengths and developing areas to achieve peak performance
✓ Strengthen your soft skills and increase your career prospects
✓ Create an action plan to adjust yourself with a stronger purpose to advance forward
Pre-register here for our FREE WEBINAR in December 2020 and access to valuable information from aviation recruiters and coaching experts on how to increase your career prospects for the recovery of the industry and learn the new recruitment methodologies by airlines.